Most Popular Dried Flowers Bouquets
Explore a beautiful collection of best-selling bouquets at Hidden Botanics, where sustainability and style are at the core. We carefully hand-make every bouquet with natural dried flowers, providing an everlasting touch to your wedding. With a palette ranging from soft cream and lavender to the vibrant hues of burnt orange and emerald green, these bouquets are designed to resonate with diverse tastes and themes.
However, if you can't find your perfect arrangement, you can get a bespoke quote within 24 hours. Whether you're drawn to a rustic charm or a contemporary flair, these bouquets are an eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers without compromising on aesthetics.

Lovely quality, beautiful colours & smell nice! Even better than I was expecting, can't wait to use them next month for my wedding - thank you!! :)
Lauren - United Kingdom