Combining disciplines that developed worlds apart from each other, Japandi style is a calming and practical interior design trend.

When I first overheard the term “japandi” in reference to home decor and interior design trends, I guessed that it was a portmanteau - which it is - but didn’t quite get the right answer in one go. Not having seen it written down, I first assumed that it was perhaps a combination of “Japanese” and “indie” styles. It was only as I investigated the trend further that it became clear how far off I was. Looking at examples of japandi now as I browse the internet, the Scandinavian and Nordic interior influences feel so obvious that I can’t believe I didn’t see that it was a merging of “Japanese” and “Scandi” all along.

Combining Japanese minimalism and practicality with Scandi cosyness and warmth - and laying on top of it all a cool, muted colour scheme - japandi has been on the rise recently.

That’s where it comes from, but what does japandi style actually look like?

Generally, the style is rather understated, keeping clean lines and minimalism, with an ethos of avoiding clutter - as well as pieces with less ornamentation and two tones at most - but mixing in touches like wabi-sabi pieces (a Japanese aesthetic inspired by a belief in the beauty of imperfection and impermanence, commonly seen in pottery), a range of fabric textures and layers, and folded paper lamps. The style merges the rustic and the sleek from both cultures, with interiors being utilitarian but also drawing inspiration from hygge (which hinges on creating cosy and comfortable atmospheres for wellness and contentment).

Interiors and decor

Japandi interiors often emphasise open space, and the trend encourages you to make the most of natural light, letting it fill a room. The style favours high ceilings and large windows, with simple blinds that more aim to soften light than totally block it out. In interiors where this is not possible, japandi decors can be seen taking advantage of round or tall mirrors to make a space feel larger and more filled with light.

As well as the functional simplicity of a japanese style, japandi decor places certain stock in tactility, allowing for a mix of wood finishes in one space, so long as they are within a certain tonal range. Japanese’s sleek and modern feel, which favours striking silhouettes, is complemented by the contradicting Scandi, with its myriad of cosy fabric textures.

Plants and pallettes

A statement piece also doesn’t go amiss in japandi, but never ignore the importance of nature to the discipline, with many japandi interiors making use of plant life - varied in shape, size, and level - not just for the gorgeous aesthetic, but also for keeping a room’s freshness by purifying the air. In tow with this, the “less is more” vibe often associated with japandi has led to sustainability being at the front of the trend. Wabi-sabi teachings focus on craftsmanship, with pieces being made to last and intended to be kept around even after they show their age (because in wabi-sabi, these signs of age and imperfection only serve to make the pieces more elegant).

The broad strokes of the japandi colour scheme have already been addressed, but the trend favours muted and cool soft colours - beiges, lighter greys, off whites and eggshell tones, blush pink, etc. - that are neutral and calming, with bright colours used sparingly. When it comes to populating a room with decor, a combination of highlights, midtones, and darker finishes within a room will create a beautiful contrast, especially if you use one more neutral shade range for the room’s main elements and make use of a second shade for the smaller decor.


Now, this was only a quick introduction into japandi, unsuprisingly it has depths and nuances beyond this blog post (as a quick search or scroll down the tag on Instagram will show you), but hopefully this has clarified its more basic elements to help you as you move forward into your investigation into this new interior trend!

If you’re looking for a floral piece to fill a japandi space with, Hidden Botanics sells a wide range of dried and artificial flower arrangements for home decor. Dried flowers are made to last, remaining beautiful long after fresh alternatives would have wilted and need to be replaced.


Alex x

May 09, 2022 — Cagla Cantimur

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